Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - A Decent Diversion and Nothing More | Attack the Backlog

This episode of Attack the Backlog is all about Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, a Zelda-like ala A Link to the Past, where you play as little Turnip Boy, not to be confused with Little Lion Man, who’s not as brave as he was at the start. After getting evicted by Mayor Onion for not paying your taxes, you must complete a handful of trash tasks for the layered mayor in order to get back your home, wouldn’t you know. These tasks include acquiring a fork, a laser pointer, and some green goop that may or may not lead to green poop. Along your journey you will meet a vast cast of quirky characters, a plethora of gamer-based humor, and more than your fair share of receipts and documents to tear. Sound like fun? Keep watching or listening to find out.
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Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - A Decent Diversion and Nothing More | Attack the Backlog
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