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The Last of Us Remains One of the Greatest Stories Ever Told in Gaming | Second Runs

"What the hell? This isn't Attack the Backlog! I demand a refund!" I'm sure at least none of you are saying that, but maybe one of you is thinking that and, well, this is a long time coming. Second Runs is a series I've been wanting to start for years--as made apparent in this episode--and I figured Father's Day was the perfect day to make it happen, especially since the first episode is all about The Last of Us. To keep things short, Second Runs is a series all about replaying games I loved back in the day to see if I still love them today. The plan, moving forward, is to alternate episodes of Attack the Backlog and Seconds Runs; however, I can't guarantee that'll happen right away, so no promises just yet. But that's enough about that, so here's to starting new things, here's to hoping you enjoy this inaugural episode, and here's to each and every father out there--you are so much more important than you'll ever know and I hope your Father's Day is just as wonderful as you are.

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks. You can get an even more in-depth discussion by listening to the podcast and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patrondonate a little something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, the podcasts, the streaming, the videos, the art, and everything in between. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to consume any of the content I make and thank you for being a fan. I can't begin to express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Cheers.

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The Last of Us Remains One of the Greatest Stories Ever Told in Gaming | Second Runs

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