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Review: Perfect Couples (TV) - Pilot

Quick tip: I added "Far from." ...I know, I'm pretty damn hilarious.

As you can see from the header, Perfect Couples is far from a perfect show. As you can also see, I used the most obvious and unfunny joke I could, which happens to be quite fitting. Perfect Couples is the worst show I have seen this year, but that isn't saying much since it is still only January. So, why does Perfect Couples fail at being acceptable? ...You thought I was going to say 'perfect' didn't you.

Perfect Couples focuses on three different couples; three couples who are all longtime friends. You have your crazies: a couple who hates each other one second and then sexes it up the next; your by-the-book: a couple who lives out of relationship books; and your relatively normal couple. I don't have an issue with the clichés -- how many shows don't shower in cliché? My issue lies with the majority of portrayals and some of the acting, which leads to a public service announcement: Please stop using Olivia Munn in anything.

You will likely make a similar face if you watch Perfect Couples.

I don't want to come across snide, but Olivia Munn is a terrible actress. I have seen her in films and television shows and she has never contributed a single positive moment. Munn's acting feels so stiff, emotionless, and without personality that it ruins any possible chance for immersion. Munn is not the only bad part of Perfect Couples, but I felt the need to post a PSA because she keeps popping up everywhere and it never gets any better, not unlike herpes.

I didn't mean to single out Munn, well, I kind of did, but she doesn't have much support. Her on-screen husband (Hayes MacArthur) and the couple of Vance (David Walton) and Amy (Mary Elizabeth Ellis) are also rather weak and simply uninteresting to watch. The only couple I could stand was the couple of Dave (Kyle Bornheimer) and Julia (Christine Woods), and it could be because they were the "normal" couple. But, I found Woods to look strikingly similar to a young Elizabeth Edwards -- the recently deceased wife of former NC Senator John Edwards -- and I couldn't help but find it a tad off-putting.

There is not a single redeeming quality of Perfect Couples and I honestly can't say I expected much. I watched the pilot episode simply to see the Munn-factor in action and she continues to disappoint with her continuation of unpleasantness. I don't expect a bump in quality over time, but I hated Parks and Recreation at first and now it's a much better show. So, anything could happen, but the real question is, will it? I don't know about you, but I'm going to put my money on no.

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