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PSP #714: Totally Reliable Delivery Service, Snakeybus, HyperParasite, Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories

On today's show, the longest show to date, Marc is extra excited for one reason and one reason only: Marc has a special guest at the end of the show--their good friend Justin--and they talk about their time playing Totally Reliable Delivery Service together and their plans for the upcoming anime podcast. In addition to that exciting news, Marc also talks about the delay of The Last of Us Part II and what they've been playing and watching, including a game about bus-like snakes and a game about swearing at old ladies before offering them your seat. Anyway, something-something true and fair, cheers and enjoy the anime-zing(ly unreliable) show.

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The Talking Points: The Last of Us Part II Delayed, Totally Reliable Delivery Service, Snakeybus, HyperParasite, Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories, Curious Expedition, Jojo Rabbit, Love is Blind

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PSP #714: Totally Reliable Delivery Service, Snakeybus, HyperParasite, Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories

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