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Music Racer: An Amazing Audio Visualizer, But a Terrible Game | FIRST!

Music Racer is a game I played when it originally came out in 2018 and, while this new "Ultimate Edition" adds a bit more content and the ability to use your own music, my feelings about the core game itself haven't changed; Music Racer is an amazing audio visualizer, but it is a terrible game and in no way fun to play. Does that mean I don't recommend it? Well, that all depends on what you're looking for. If you want a good away and don't look back, never look back; however, if you want one of the greatest audio visualizers ever made (maybe the best), I can't recommend Music Racer highly enough. As long as you know what you're getting before you pull the trigger, I doubt you'll be disappointed.

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Music Racer: An Amazing Audio Visualizer, But a Terrible Game | FIRST!

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