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Kungfu Kickball Is Like a Kung Fu Kick in the Balls | FIRST!

What do you get when you take a ball, kicking and punching, and scoring goals by hitting your opponent's bell? Kungfu Kickball, of course! With a great first impression thanks to fun, colorful art and good (at first) music, Kungfu Kickball seems like a good idea; however, despite solid controls and the aforementioned great art, in practice, it fails to come together into a satisfying experience. I tried and tried and tried, but in and hour and a half of play (against only the AI because no one is playing online), I never had a single second of fun. I want to believe it can be fixed with a few changes here and there, but given how poorly the game appears to have sold, I imagine we'll never know.

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Kungfu Kickball Is Like a Kung Fu Kick in the Balls | FIRST!

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