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It's All Downhill After a Giant Cat Poops You Out Its Butthole | FIRST!

I'll admit, Catie in MeowmeowLand had an uphill battle before I even started playing it. While I love the art of many point-and-click adventure games, I rarely enjoy the puzzling-solving side of them. This is because, so often, the puzzles require a nonsensical way of thinking, don't make sense, or depend more on brute force clicking than creative thinking; Catie is the third of those options, relying on excessive clicking more than anything else. Sure, the game might be pretty and, sure, I love cats more than most things, but not once did I feel smart while playing and, if a puzzle game isn't making me feel smart, what's the point (other than clicking, of course)?

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It's All Downhill After a Giant Cat Poops You Out Its Butthole | FIRST!

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