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Is El Gancho the Worst Game I've Played So Far This Year? | FIRST!

Yes. Yes it is. El Gancho immediately grabbed my attention with great music and lost it seconds later as soon as I started playing the game. I only spent 15 minutes with the game, but that was 14 minutes more than I needed in order to know El Gancho wasn't for me. Great music and decent art are nice, but gameplay is king and El Gancho's gameplay makes King Joffrey seem like a sweetheart. The controls never clicked and I only grew more and more frustrated the more and more I played. I never like being this mean, but El Gancho is absolutely the worst game I've played (so far) this year and, sadly, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone; however, if you like good music, I would recommend seeking out the soundtrack, which is available on both Bandcamp and Spotify.

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Is El Gancho the Worst Game I've Played So Far This Year? | FIRST!

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