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Best to Leave Blackwind as Little More Than Dust in the Wind... | FIRST!

I think we've all had enough of the number jokes by now, so let's just keep it nice and simple, eh. In this episode of FIRST!, I talk about Blackwind, a sci-fi action game where you pilot a mech suit and take out aliens and giant bugs while quipping endlessly along the way. The thing about Blackwind is, it's not a bad game, but it's not particularly good either. It falls into the "Perfectly Fine and Forgettable" camp. If you literally had nothing else to play, you wouldn't have a terrible time with Blackwind, but if you don't find yourself in such an improbable situation, you're best finding something else to spend both your money and time on--at $25, it's hard sell--but don't take my written word for it, take my spoken word instead.

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Best Leave Blackwind as Dust in the Wind... | FIRST!

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