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The Episode Where I Say "Feels Really Good" Every Other Sentence: A Turbo Overkill Preview | FIRST!

Turbo Overkill is a good game. Turbo Overkill is a very good game. Turbo Overkill is so good that I, unknowingly, said, "Feels really good," way too many times when recording this episode. Is it annoying? You betcha, but it's probably more annoying for me than you; however, as much as I humored re-recording this episode (and I did humor doing just that), I figured I'd leave it as is and accept the fact that Turbo Overkill--a fast-paced, retro-inspired shooter--is just so good it made me sound like the most inarticulate person in the world. I mean, who needs words when you have not one, but two satisfying shotguns at your disposal for disposing of disposable baddies who are anything but good? Enough said, mic dropped, bing fucking bong.

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The Episode Where I Say "Feels Really Good" Every Other Sentence: A Turbo Overkill Preview | FIRST!

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