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PSP #327: Why Yuri!!! on Ice Might Just Be the Best Anime of 2016

Marc takes today's entire episode to talk about Yuri!!! on Ice and why it's not only the best anime of the fall 2016 season, but might just be the best anime of the entire year--one can't truly say such a definitive statement until the season is actually over, thus the need for "might." Anyway, if you want to hear someone gush over an anime about ice skating and so much more, today's episode was made for you and me (and he) (and she) (and we) (and everybod...eeee)! Cheers and enjoy the show!

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #326: Beholder, Dead Rising 4, Watch Dogs 2, and Maybe Some More Too

Today's show starts off with Marc talking about another classic movie they just watched and didn't like 'cause Marc is Marc and Marc is Marc--if you say that really fast you'll surely be left wondering where the funky bunch is... After that, Marc talks about a handful of games, including a little indie about spying on your tenants called Beholder, and then some game about hacking and another one about killing zombies, both of which include the option to take selfies 'cause selfies are hip and cool, right? Cheers and enjoy the show!

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #325: Playing ReCore While Giving DirecTV Now a Tryout

Marc starts off today's episode by making sure everyone knows (and remembers) that The Dwarves is still a technical mess on Xbox One, even after the day-one patch, and then happily moves onto a game they've been enjoying more than they expected to: ReCore. After that, Marc gives their first impressions of DirecTV Now, DirecTV's new streaming alternative to cable and satellite TV, and then hip hip hoorays for the (finally!) release of FunimationNow on AppleTV. Cheers and enjoy the show!

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #324: Fall Anime Midpoint Recap with a Side of The Dwarves

In today's episode, Marc talks about the fall anime they're still watching now that the season is over halfway through, including Drifters, Girlish Number, and what is undeniably the best series of the season: Yuri!!! on Ice. And then, after anime-ing all over the place, Marc talks about The Dwarves, a new game that does a lot of good, but does some important things not-so-well, making it impossible to recommend in its current state*, at least on consoles, specifically Xbox One. Cheers and enjoy the show!

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #323: Darksiders Warmastered Edition; This is How You Remaster a Game

In today's episode, Marc starts off with a bad joke--though, calling it a joke is offensive to all jokes, good and bad--before gushing all over the remaster of Darksiders, except its name, Darksiders Warmastered Edition, which they hate. After that, they talk a wee bit about another old game (that was kind of remastered), Dead Rising, and how they're excited about a friend finally joining the Xbox One family. Cheers and enjoy the show!

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #322: Destroying All Humans!...Again, While Doin' a Bit of Dungeoneering on the Side

In today's episode, Marc talks about returning to the first Destroy All Humans! game now that it's joined the growing list of PS2 games on PS4, trophies and all that jazz included--spoiler: it holds up surprisingly well. After that, Marc reviews the indie game, Guild of Dungeoneering, along with both DLC packs: "Pirate's Cove" and "Ice Cream Headaches." Anyway, that's it and that's all, folks. Cheers and enjoy the show!

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #321: Is Jesse Eisenberg Annoying, or Does He Just Play Annoying Characters?

In today's episode, Marc asks the tough question that no one else is asking (and no one else cares about): Is Jesse Eisenberg annoying, or does he just play annoying characters? I know what y'all are thinking..."Why the hell did you record an entire episode all about how annoying Jesse Eisenberg is or isn't?!" The answer is so simple and so obvious it's ridiculous: ...I don't know. Anyway, there's a bit of a buzz throughout the episode and I do apologize for that, but, in spite of that, I hope y'all enjoy today's show and enjoy the rest of your weekend too. Cheers!

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #320: Playing Mekazoo While Watching Fifty Shades of Grey 'Cause I HAVE NO IDEA!

Marc starts off today's show talking about their terrible teeth, having just returned from a visit to the dentist, and then, because Marc apparently hates themselves, talks about the first forty or so minutes of Fifty Shades of Grey because...I got nothing. After all that nonsense, Marc talks about the brand new indie platformer, Mekazoo, which does some things well and some things...not so well. Anyway, handcuff yourself to your desk and listen to the show to hear all the juicy, sexy, shady details or something like that. Cheers!

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy jam on Amazon too.

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PSP #319: A White Noise 2 Preview for You, You, and You Too (But Not U2)

If you like horror games, today's show was recorded just for you because, on today's show, Marc previews White Noise 2, an Early Access title from Milkstone Studios, a horror game where you get a chance to play on both sides, as either an investigator searching for tapes, or as the monster that's trying to devour all the investigators before every tape can be found. So, does White Noise 2 deliver frights and delights? I'd love to tell you, but then what incentive would you have to listen to the show, eh. Anyway, give it a listen if you want to hear what Marc thinks and, as always, cheers and enjoy the show!

Anyway, that's it and that's all folks, and, if you're feeling extra generous, you can become a patron, donate a little something-something, or subscribe to show your support for the site, podcast(s), and all the ridiculous jazz we make over here at Pixelated Sausage. And don't forget, you can also support the site by shopping at Amazon if that's your jam--you can probably buy jam on Amazon too.

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Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is not too least that's what grandpa said

What if Sleeping Beauty was actually a sleeping king? And prince charming was a fiery young lady who just became a knight, desiring nothing but grand adventures? And instead of a kiss, four special ingredients were needed in order to wake the king from his eternal slumber? Well, that's what Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is all about and I've had the pleasure of playing through an early build of the game, collecting the first special ingredient to the shock and surprise of everyone in the kingdom...or at least that's what grandpa told me.

The story of Blossom Tales isn't anything special, but the way it's told gives it a nice little charming kick in the butt as you hear the story through the words of Lily's grandfather, making things up as he goes along, telling his grandchildren about the story of a young knight, also named Lily, as she embarks on her very first adventure. Now, I've only played a small chunk of the game, but, like I said, the story isn't anything new, but it's fun to hear the grandfather chime in every now and again, throwing in a, "That's not how it happened," if you die, with occasional interruptions by Lily and her brother, sometimes allowing you to make decisions that change the game ever so slightly, like choosing what type of enemy you'll fight in a specific area. It's a story I doubt I'll remember in a week's time, but the way it's told was more than enough to keep me engaged as I, Lily, went in search of ingredients to save a king whose name I already forgot.

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