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Pixelated Sausage [dot] com is a site dedicated to art, anime, video games, movies, television, comics, manga, books, and all things "artsy/geeky." And when it comes to reviews, whether they're in writing, audio, or video form, we here at Pixelated Sausage treat games/anime/whatever as we would normally; this means if we don't like something, we won't keep playing it or watching it until we reach the very end due to of some sense of obligation (and we will always make sure this is known in our reviews) because all time is valuable, ours and yours, and if something can't grab our attention and keep it from the start, why should we (or anyone) slog through hours of bad to reach a potential good in the end?

If you're feeling extra generous and would like to support me and my nonsense, you can become a patron to show your support for the site, the shows, and everything in between. Regardless of whether you can spare a buck (or two or three or more or not), I just want to thank each and every one of you for taking the time to consume any of my content; it means a whole hell of a lot. Thank you so much for being a fan. :)

  • Email: marc[at]