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The Batmobile Ruined Batman: Arkham Knight, But Not for the Reasons You Think | Attack the Backlog

It's unoriginal to blame negativity towards Batman: Arkham Knight on the batmobile, but hear me out. While most (all?) complained about the batmobile from a direct gameplay standpoint--how it felt and the repetitive missions--my complaint is an indirect one: I think the batmobile ruined Arkham Knight by forcing Rocksteady to change the way other aspects of the game controlled in order to accommodate the batmobile controls. It may seem like a small complaint to most and something I should've have "just gotten used to," but I never got used to the small changes in how Arkham Knight controlled and that ultimately ruined the game for me.

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Mullet MadJack Is the Most Fun I've Had in 2025 | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This week's episode starts with a bit of random Rainbow Six Siege talk and streaming news, before getting to what I've been playing with Mullet MadJack, FATE: Reawakened, S. Prysm Destroyer, 3D Don't Die Mr. Robot, and O.W.L Projekt 2. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate Is Often Forgotten (And Should Stay That Way) | Attack the Backlog

As my full Arkham playthrough continues, we find ourselves at a new low with the game most people forget even exists: Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, the downloadable side-scrolling Metroidvania that's 90% tedious, 10% interesting. In many ways it feels like a bonus little side story to Arkham Origins and not an essential entry, so it's easy to see why it's often forgotten about; though, the fact it isn't that great of a game (probably) doesn't help either. It's biggest crime, however, is its desire to stay too true to the Arkham formula, instead of trying to find an identity of its own.

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Sorry We’re Closed (To Those With No Pants On) | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This week's episode starts with talks of exhaustion before getting to what I've been playing with Sorry We're Closed, RoboDunk, Unsolved Case: The Scarlet Hyacinth, Pocket Puzzle, Crime Opera Fandisk: The Caterpillar Candids, Crime Opera II: The Floodgate Effect, and Police Shootout. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Batman: Arkham Origins Is Secretly the Second Best Arkham Game | Attack the Backlog

I thought I played Batman: Arkham Origins when it originally came out. I was wrong. When I booted up the game on my Xbox 360, all I had was a 5% completed save file from 11 years ago to the day, so what I thought was going to be another Second Run was actually an Attack the Backlog. I don't know if it's because it was all new to me or if it's just a better game (or maybe a little of both), but I had a significantly better time with Arkham Origins than I did with Arkham City. Arkham Origins takes what Arkham City did and simplifies and focuses it, delivering an overall more satisfying experience for someone like me who isn't a Batman super fan. It may not reach the heights of Arkham Asylum, but it's a worthy addition to the Arkham saga and should be treated on an equal footing with the Rocksteady-developed Arkham games.

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Lost Records: Bloom Now, Rage Later | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This week's episode doesn't waste any time and gets straight to what I've been playing with Lost Records: Bloom & Rage, Cabernet, Ultros, Momodora: Moonlit Farewell, and Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Batman: Arkham City Is More Arkham, Not Better Arkham | Second Runs

I always preferred Batman: Arkham Asylum to Batman: Arkham City, but the gap this time was much larger and I have to assume it's at least partially due to the time gap between playthroughs being so small this time around; I just think playing these games back to back does Arkham City no favors. That said, and regardless of how time affected my feelings, I still think Arkham City is a worse game in almost every way, going for quantity over quality (except when it comes to the main storyline, which is actually shorter than Arkham Asylum's). It is by no means bad, man, but unlike its older brother, it's no "greatest game of all time" contender.

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Warner Bros. Was the Real Nemesis All Along | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This week's episode starts off with the sad but all too common Warner Bros. news about the cancellation of their Wonder Woman game and the closing of three studios--including Monolith Productions--before getting to what I've been playing with Snezhinka, Recall: Empty Wishes, Mostroscopy, and Liberté. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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Batman: Arkham Asylum Is Still One of the Greatest Games of All Time | Second Runs

It's been a while since I've replayed a game, since I put out an episode of Second Runs, but when I decided it was finally time to play Batman: Arkham Knight, I knew what needed to be done first: replay every Arkham game that came before (and play the ones I never played for the first time). That brings us here, with me revisiting Batman: Arkham Asylum for not the second time, but the third time--which I only learned after booting up the remastered version and seeing a 72% completion save in front of me. Long story short: Arkham Asylum is not only a great Batman game, but one of the greatest games of all time, and if you want the long story long, check out this episode and enjoy.

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Call of Duty x TMNT Is Going to Cost Me a Fortune | The Pixelated Sausage Show

This week's episode starts off with a bunch of news--including TMNT coming to Call of Duty and Nintendo ending their My Nintendo Gold Points rewards program-- before getting to what I've been playing with Let's Cook Together 2, Moons of Darsalon, Please Be Happy, Shadow Tactics: Aiko's Choice, and Turbo Overkill. Anyway and as always, thank you for watching or listening, I hope you enjoy this here episode, and I hope you have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day. (And if you haven't already, or are a listener and not a watcher, please like, subscribe, hit the bell, and all that jazz; it may not seem like much, but it goes a long way in helping support the show and site in general. I would appreciate it greatly.)

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